Eco-Club Update (June 2013): Sexual Education and End of School Year Celebrations

This month we continued our three-part course on sexual education, focusing on sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy, and family planning. We used power point presentations and fun games to teach students about sexually transmitted diseases; how to prevent them and also how to recognize signs if one is concerned that they have become infected. It […]

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Eco-Club Update (May 2013): Children’s rights and sexual education

In April 2013 we began a three class course on children's rights, sexual education and reproductive health. The objective of this course is to provide students with information about human rights, sexuality, sexual transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy, disease prevention, and family planning. Our motivation: in Cotacachi it is common to find girls as young as […]

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Learning about companion crops

Esta semana pasada, en nuestro club ecológico, los estudiantes aprendieron de los cultivos asociados en los huertos familiares. Los cultivos asociados es un metodo que se usan para mejorar los sabores, interacción nivel, fijación del nitrógeno, supersión de plagas, alojamiento positivo, vivienda protegida, y cultivos de trampa. Es una hierramienta importante para las fincas orgánicas. […]

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Making recycled paper cards

We are currently making 1000 recycled paper cards to send to Shepard Middle School in Chicago. Here are some photos to show our process of making the cards.

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