Visiting a Local Organic Farm in the Cotacachi community of El Batan

Our eco-club recently went on a field trip to an organic integrated farm in one of the nearby Cotacachi communities, called El Batan. This farm is owned by Hector and Aya, who carefully plan and cultivate organic vegetables to sell to the Cotacacheños. By using natural fertilizers (such as manure tea, compost, animal feces etc), […]

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Update from our scholarship students

Here is a short presentation (14 images) on our scholarship students! It was a powerpoint presentation, but to load it to the blog I had to turn it into a series of images.(Click on the image to see each one in a larger size)

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The students perform a traditional dance.. / Los estudiantes becarios bailaron una danza tradicional..

The students choreographed and performed this traditional dance for our September 11th celebration with the scholarship students, their families, the professors of ASEAC (La Asociación de Educadores Ambientales de Cotacachi), Rumiñahui Anrango (the President of UNORCAC) and donors who live in Cotacachi.Los estudiantes diseñaban y bailaron una danza tradicional para nuestra convocación el 11 de […]

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